Take The Veil
August 27th 07, 13:53 in: My Life, Website, Affiliates  

I finally got into gear and found a CSS image rollover tutorial, thanks to the help of some lovely bees! It seems to be working fine in Firefox and Internet Explorer, but if you notice anything funky going on with the navigation, please let me know (I will give you a cookie if you do).

I've removed an affiliate, Sarah, because her site isn't there anymore and I haven't heard from her at all in a very long time. It's always sad when you loose touch with people, but I still have her email, so maybe I'll email her sometime.

The whole affiliate thing is a weird business at times. I'm not a good affiliate, I fully admit that. I don't visit my affie's sites on a very regular basis. Maybe a few times a month and some more than others because I know they update more often. The only exception to the above are two of my affiliates that I have become good friends with over the last three years and year, plus we are connected in ways other than just our websites.
I rarely make gifts for my affies — mostly because I'm too lazy to, but also because I don't even really see the point in making them all the time. I know it's nice to get them and to give them, but if I have to make a new one every bloody month then forget it!

I'm also seriously considering dis-affiliating with a couple of people purely because I hardly ever go to their sites and their content and such doesn't appeal to me at all. Or they themselves don't. It's not that they're not lovely people, it's just that we're very, very different and I also like to read blogs and other content that is tasteful and nicely done. Not "I LyK DiS Gy N lYk i WnT Hm 2 cAl MeH" or misspelt words all the time, and definitely on purpose as opposed to a genuine mistake (which I make all the time... But you love me anyway, right?).

You know what I'm talking about. *facepalm*

It's not that people who write like that are bad or horrible people who aren't worth my time, it's just that I personally cannot sit through an entire entry written like that, or with content like that. It's just not something my mind is capable of doing, and I'm glad for it.

So, that's what is on my mind at the moment, in regards to the Internet.

Offline, however, is a little different. In a few weeks or so I am definitely moving to Auckland. I'm really pleased I have somewhat of a date to work towards; it makes things so much easier.
On the other hand I'm not exactly sure if I will be able to take the desktop computer with me, which essentially would leave me computerless and thus incapable of updating the site (aside from the blog). That would be a rather large, unfortunate pickle. I'm hoping like hell my dad says it's okay to take it because a very large, important part of my life exists on it (as sad as they may seem to people who are not addicted to webdesign — you are missing out).

Even if I get to take the computer I have no idea if it will be Internet enabled for some time. I will definitely have 'net access at various places, including where I will be living, but I'm not sure if my computer will be hooked up or not (it's complicated as to why it might not be).

Oh well, so long as I use the last few weeks here in Gisborne to make sure every minor detail about my sites are all good then I should be fine. Thank the Universal Powers That Be for Enthusiast, otherwise I would have to give up all my fan and namelists! Tragic if ever there was a tragedy!